Search Results for india

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BA in History

Studying history at George Mason will provide you with a broad perspective on the contemporary world and the events that have shaped it. As a history major, you will hone your skills in collecting, interpreting, and communicating information. Our department is home to specialists on every region of t...

Rosemarie Zagarri

Rosemarie Zagarri

Rosemarie Zagarri received her Ph.D. from Yale University and specializes in Early American history. She has published four books, the most recent of which is Revolutionary Backlash: Women and Politics in the Early American Republic (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007; paperback, 2008). Her artic...

BA in Art History

As an art history major at Mason, you'll investigate works of art to learn about how and why they were made, and about the people who made them. You'll study art as a form of personal expression and a record of its historical moment by understanding not only the artwork's aesthetic qualities, but als...

Robert D. DeCaroli

Robert D. DeCaroli

Robert DeCaroli received his Ph.D. in the field South and Southeast Asian art history from UCLA. He is a specialist in the early history of Buddhism and has conducted fieldwork in India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. He is the author of Haunting the Buddha: Indian Popular Religions and the Formatio...

Huseyin Yilmaz

Huseyin Yilmaz

Dr. Yilmaz holds a Ph.D. in History and Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard University. His research interests focus on the early modern Middle East including political thought, geographic imageries, social movements, and cultural history. His most recent publications are “The Eastern Question and th...